Saturday, January 4, 2020

Old Testament Exegetical Paper  Isaiah 62 - 1683 Words

The prophet Isaiah lived in the Southern Kingdom of Judah in the 3rd century B.C. He had a reputation as an uncompromising prophet who did not soften his words of condemnation and urge to make changes (Stafford 616). The nation of Judah stood in a precarious position: the wickedness of the people, the civil war which divided the Israelites into two kingdoms of Judah and Israel, the neighboring countries which stood by, threatening war and the dilemma that faced the leaders about whether or not they should take on allies all indicated the downfall of the nation of Judah if the people did not heed his words and change their ways. According to The Interpreters Bible, Isaiah 62 was written in the later part of the prophet Isaiahs life. By†¦show more content†¦Most references to Zion take place in the books of Psalms, Lamentation and Isaiah. Its first appearance is in 2 Sam 5:6 as the stronghold of Zion. G.A. Barois points out that it need not be interpreted restrictively as a si ngle building, but rather as the fortified crest of the hill between the valleysÂ… (959). The name ‘Zion has been suggested by many to designate the entire walled town that covered the southeast hill of Jerusalem. During the exile however, the whole of Judah came to be known as Zion. ‘Zion occupies synonymous parallelism with the noun ‘Jerusalem (not just the southeast hill) while sons of Zion and daughters of Zion implies the inhabitants of Jerusalem (Lam. 4:2, Isa. 10:32). In 1Kings 8:1,2 we read, Â…out of the City of David which is ZionÂ… Hence we can correctly assume that both refer to the same place, which is Jerusalem. Since my chosen passage is about ‘Zion, it is good to be sure what exactly is being spoken about. Now that Ive mentioned Zion the city, Id like to cover another important aspect concerning cities thats mentioned several times in the BibleÂâ€" watchmen. According to The NIV Exhaustive Concordance, the word ‘watchmen has been used 13 times in the Old Testament (the singular form, ‘watchman, has been used 16 times). This word is often used figuratively in the Bible, hence it is important to understand its particular meaning in the passage chosen. ‘Watchmen is mostly found in the books ofShow MoreRelatedBibl450 Paper #1 Daniels 70 Weeks of Prophecy2440 Words   |  10 PagesTHE SEVENTY WEEKS PROPHESY OF DANIEL __________ A Research Paper Submitted to XXXXXXXXX University __________ In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for BIBL 450 By xxxxxxxx Table of Contents Introduction 3 The beginning of the Christian 3 Coming of Messiah 5 Counting of Weeks and Messiah 7 Why Daniel’s Prophecy is Disregarded 8 Conclusion 9 Bibliography 10 THE SEVENTY WEEKS PROPHESYRead MoreEssay on Daniel 9: 24-27 - The Prophecy Of The Seventy Weeks 2733 Words   |  11 PagesIntroduction Although the Jewish Scriptures evaluated the book of Daniel differently from the Christian Old Testament, by placing it in the Writings instead of with the major prophets, it remains a book of apocalyptic visions. Chapter nine begins with Daniel grappling with the prophetic prediction in Jeremiah 25:11-12, which declares that the Jews would serve the king of Babylon in captivity for seventy years. Now that the seventy years were almost at the end Daniel, in penitential prayer and

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