Friday, December 27, 2019

Sibling Comparison of Everyday Use - 1055 Words

Sibling Similar Differences â€Å"Everyday Use† by Alice Walker tells a story of a mother who narrators the visit of her daughter from college and the conflict between her two daughters. The mother, named Mrs. Johnson, gives descriptions of her daughters’, Dee and Maggie, personality and looks, and each daughter description is opposite of each other. Additionally, Mrs. Johnson describes each daughter’s education level, which also differs. The only hidden similarity between these two sisters is the fact each one of them lacks confidence. Dee’s lack of confidence is more implicit, while Maggie’s lack of confidence is explicit. By doing this, Walker has the mother to develop a contrast between the sisters’ personality, appearance, and education,†¦show more content†¦Walker may have set this educational difference up to show the dangerous that too much knowledge can lead to alienation, while the dangers of too little of an education can suppress a person’s f ulfillment, which these two sister show. Even with all these difference, both sisters share one ultimate similarity of lacking confidence in some aspect of life. Maggie is seen in the forefront within her personality. Maggie is seen as shy and timid because of lifelong comparison to her sister that causes her not to feel worthless. Additionally, the scars she receives from the fire enhanced her lack of self confidence making her want to hide in the shadows. Similar to her sister, Dee shockingly lacks in confidence. Unlike Maggie, Dee does not seem to be lacking in self-confidence. However, at a much closer look her lack of confidence is shown by her self-hate of her original life and not accepting her heritage. Dee’s self-hate is apparent when her sister Maggie realizes that she never brings home a friend and when Dee changes her name to Wangero. Dee never brings home a friend because she feels like the life she was giving was undeserving of her beauty and intelligence. When Dee goes off to college and write home, s he state the â€Å"she will visit no matter where we â€Å"choose† to live† (paragraph 14), meaning that she will only come and live her friends and other life behind in order to keep her past separate from her future. In addition to her name changeShow MoreRelatedEveryday Use Family Comparison Essay1050 Words   |  5 PagesFamily Comparison Most families have amazing memories, but everyone has problems and obstacles they have to overcome. 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