Wednesday, July 31, 2019


A lot of people don’t get tested because they don’t believe something like this can happen to them until it do then they walk around miserable and feel as if life is over. Getting tested every six months makes a difference depending on how sexually active you are you might want to get tested more. I personally get tested every 3 months because my mother died from this virus and I do not want to leave my kids the same way she left me. Although you may not be that comfortable it is for the better of you that you get tested and make sure you protect the people around you. You have to think of other people when you think about possibly getting a virus that can never be reversed. This is a very tricky thing to have to tell your loved ones about you don’t want to have to sit down with your kids and tell them something like this. There are a lot of things that you will have to go through once you are diagnosed with such a virus you have to not only make sure that you stay healthy, so that you stay around for your family. We have more information on this virus meaning we can keep you alive longer you might not be able to do things the way you use to but you will be alive as long as you follow your doctor’s orders. There are still a high number of people that are not aware of this virus. It’s ashamed to the number of people that aren’t aware. There are about 12,000 people who are not aware of their status because they do not get tested. Our youth is being infected with this virus because they want to experiment with sex. There are about 57 percent of our youth that are gay or bisexual and are just going around infecting each other. Things need to change and quickly because if not we won’t have a future of healthy people. There are many types of ways people can get tested and many dif ferent places that you can go without any one finding out that you got tested as well as what you status is. You just have to have the courage to go get tested. I found it easier to go with a friend or your loved one to make you more comfortable. As long as you get tested to make sure you are safe is all that matters. Families need to inform their children on how important safe sex is we have to realize that they are going to do it anyway no matter what we say so all we can do is keep them safe by providing them with everything they need to experiment safely.

Frequent Shopper Program Essay

The objective of this project request is to track purchases of individual customer’s. The customer purchases will be tracked and accumulated as loyalty points for redemption by the customer for gift items, specialty foods and other products or services as made available through partnerships with other external companies. The strategic purpose of the Frequent Shopper Program is described on the Sales & Marketing page of the Kudler Fine Foods Intranet site. Purpose: Kudlers’s new initiative is tracking purchase behavior at the individual customer level and providing high value incentives through a partnership with a loyalty points program. The customer purchase behavior patterns will help Kudler refine its processes and offerings to best satisfy their values customers. Price is not the primary differentiating factor for Kudler consumers; these consumers are focused on quality and finding specialized items. Therefore, rather than providing everyday discounts to the customers for their purchase frequency like lower end markets, Kudler has partnered with a loyalty points program to provide customers with points which can be redeemed for high end gift items, airline first-class upgrades, or other specialty foods. Technology Infrastructure and Architecture The following sections of this document will provide an overview of the hardware, network, software, databases, and security requirements for the frequent shopper program. These requirements are suggestive Hardware Platform: Kudler Fine Foods currently has an elaborate network of hardware that may be used to implement the frequent shopper program. Client-Side hardware: 1. Each store uses NCR RealPOS 82XRT terminals linked to the network through a POS server. (These terminals will be used during purchasing to initiate data collection including customer ID and purchase history data for the FSP)   2.  The nineteen (at present count) corporate management and other admin personnel all utilize Dell Vostro computers running Windows 7 OS. These administration personnel also share 3 HP networked printers. (In relation to the FSP, these computers will be used by management to query and analyze customer purchase history for business service refinement. ) Server-Side Hardware: 1. POS Servers- are used to process orders from the POS terminals and connect to the Kudler network for database file storage 2. HP Blade Server system- c3000 system, Unix OS, SAP Retail SW, Print/File, Communications, Email, Storage, Web. These Servers will be used to store data regarding individual customer purchase history and queried for business analysis as well as loyalty points addition and redemption. ) Network Platform: 1. Each of the three Kudler Stores has a Local Area Network which connects together Via T3 Dedicated high speed lines. 2. Each store’s LAN is connected via 100 base T Ethernet. The communications into and out of the stores is ported through 2 Cisco routers and firewalls. 3. Each Local Area Network is also connected to the internet via 25Mbps high speed business internet connections. 4. Network Diagrams (Shown Below) Software Development Tools: 1. The Frequent Shopper Program is an additional service that will be implemented in conjunction with the existing Information Technology System used throughout Kudler Fine Foods. Because of the complexity and functionality of the existing system, it is recommended that the use of AGILE development methodologies be used to develop the FSP system and merge the application into the existing system. 2. Visual Studio 2012- This Integrated Development Environment will be used to develop the application modules and user interfaces for the FSP development. 3. The code will be implemented in the C# language. (used for module development) b. ASP. NET & MVC – used to develop dynamic, interactive web based application for customers to access, monitor, and redeem loyalty points Databases: 1- Customer Table – The Customer Table contains demographic data for each of Kudler’s customers. The data in this table is used to access the name and address of customers for order processing and for special mailings for anniversaries and/or birth dates, etc. – Order Table – The Order Table is used to record information pertinent to each Order placed with a given store. Each order will have one or more entries in the Order Line Table associated with it. 3- Order Line Table – The Order Line table contains detail on items appearing on an order. One or more Order Lines are associated with each order and each Order Line references an item being purchased with its description, quantity, price, etc. 4- Item Table – The Item Table stores information pertaining to products that may appear on an order. It describes goods that can be purchased from a Store. The current database tables can be re-used and combined to create the FSPoints Table The FSPoints table (Frequent Shopper Points table), will include the Customer ID and all correlating information, Item purchase history, and Item Points Value. The sum of all points’ values will be expressed and added to the Customer’s redeemable points at the end of each FSP period. User Interfaces: Describe the interface for data collection and notification to store personnel and customers. 1. The initial User Interface will remain the same at the point of sale(POS). Additional software will be added to initialize the FSP on applicable transaction.  Software modules will be initialized as needed that will collect the CustomerID as well as the individual items purchased. 2. Web Applications: Through the use of the aforementioned tools including ASP. NET and MVC, an interactive web application will be available to registered customers, and personnel to access, review, and redeem loyalty points. There will be an exclusive page created for the Frequent Shopper Program. Controls: System accuracy checks will be in place to verify unique CustomerID’s at the POS terminals. Every customer that participates in the Frequent Shopper Program will have a unique customerID. Each transaction will begin by entering this identifier which when verified for accuracy will begin collecting item purchase data. Each item is scanned at the POS, and compared to its corresponding FSPoints table to add loyalty points to the Customers FSPoint record. If the CustomerID or any items purchased to not register in the verification processing system, an exception will be returned to notify the customer and cashier at the time of purchase. Each transaction will close with a printed receipt listing the order line information, as well as the points accumulated at that transaction. A points total may be requested via the internet based Frequent Shopper Program Web application on the Kudler Fine Foods website. Security: The necessary security mechanisms need to be in place when storing and moving most data entities, especially Customer personal information. Hashing and encryption techniques will be used when sensitive data is stored in all data stores, and secure data transfer protocols (e. g. , SSL, HTTPS, and WS-Security) will be used when data is Personal Information will be secured through the use of data encryption methods and secure networking protocols when data is transmitted over the network.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Western Colonialism and Capitalism

A lot of negative effects caused by Western colonialism and capitalism in the third world countries that have contributed to their current political and economic crises have been discussed; however, the main objective of this presentation is to discuss the progressive role played by Western colonialism and capitalism in the third world countries when contrasted with pre-colonial period and where they were left by their colonial masters to present date. Colonialism Colonialism refers to as a system whereby a state holds sovereignty over territory and people who are outside its own boundaries. It assumes the right of one people to impose their will to others. Between nineteenth and twentieth centuries, most rich and powerful states in the European countries such as Britain did own third world colonies. Up-to-date, the legitimacy of colonialism by European countries to these third world countries has elicited a heated debate in political arena and among the moral philosophers all over the world. Colonialism is not a new phenomenon. In the past society used to expand to immediate territories and settling it own natives on the newly conquered land. Such example includes the ancient Greeks, Romans and Ottomans to mention but a few. But it is evident that colonialism was not static but evolving due to technological advancements particularly in navigation that enabled connecting to the remotest parts of the world. Invention of the fast sailing ships facilitated reaching the distant ports in other side of the world while managing to maintain closer ties between the mother land of the master colonialism and their colonial territories. Therefore, the modern European colonialism materialized when it was possible to move large number of people across the ocean and maintain political sovereignty regardless of geographical scatteredness. Many political theorists have troubled themselves in attempt to reconcile ideas about the justice and law with the practice with which European ruled over the third world countries. In nineteenth century, conflict emerged that made tension to build up between the proponents of liberal thought and colonial practice. Many of political philosophers stood to defend the principles of attainments of universalism and equity while on the other hand they were antagonistic in bid to legitimize colonialism and imperialism. They reconciled this controversy with idea that, there was a need for ‘civilization mission’ which was to be for temporal period of what they called political dependence that was vital so that to make ‘uncivilized’ societies to advance in a state of achieving sustainable liberal institutions and self government. Capitalism Capitalism refers to European practices that not only include social practices that are easily practiced over geographical and historical distances but also encompass the ‘way of thinking’. The term capitalist has been widely used in the Marxist theory which refers to means of production that are on the hands of a few and operated for making profit and that the benefits realized from the production belong to the owners of the means of production. Mercantilism was the earliest form of capitalist in the olden days that originated in the Middle East, Rome and also existed during early Middle Age. It involved distribution of goods in the transactions in such way that there is profit making. In this situation, goods were bought from one place and move to another site to be sold at relatively higher prices. Beside Romans, Arabic cultures were also known of mercantilism. They had a long history on their trade routes in their major empires. Medieval Europeans learnt learned about this type of economy from their Islamic neighbors as it has been noticed in large number of economic terms found in European languages some which are derivatives from Arabic. Gradually, mercantilism in Europe evolved into economic practices that were eventually referred to as capitalism. Capitalism employs the same principle as mercantilism that involves large scale profit realization by acquisition of goods at lower price than selling them at a profit. Capitalism is characterized by several features. First, there is accumulation of means of the production such as materials, land and tools by minority of people. This property accumulation is referred to as capital and the owners of these means of production are known as capitalists. The second characteristic of capitalism is productive labor. Human work is of great importance because it facilitates the production of goods and their distribution. This happens in form of the wage labor. The striking aspects of wage labor here is that it is not invested in the product and it is considered to be efficient in terms of productivity. Capitalism boosts individual productivity by means of division of labor whereby productive labor is divided into smallest components possible. In capitalism, the means of production and labor is manipulated by the capitalist by use of rational circulation to gain profit. On the other hand, capitalism as a way of thinking is basically individualistic. This is true because it focuses on capitalist endeavor. This bring out the Enlightenment concepts of individuality in that all the individuals are not the same; the society is composed of individual in pursuit of their own interest and that they should be free to peruse their own interests, that is ,economic freedom. Also, this concept advocates for democratic sense in that individuals perusing their own interests can guarantee the interests of the whole society. Therefore, Enlightenment idea of progress is grounded on the fact that the large-scale social goal of unregulated capitalism can produce wealth and make the national economy wealthier and more affluent than it would otherwise have not been. So, essentially, capitalism as a way of thinking is built on the concept of economic growth (Friedman & Friedman, pp5). While this may be true, capitalism has been having a close link with adverse effects of human inequality and valorization that has characterized exploitation of one or more groups by others. It has been argued that capitalist relations evoke alienation of workers from the products they make. This makes both commodities and the workers circulating commodities that circulate in the expanding market. When the laborers are considered to be interchangeable, it becomes the interest of the capitalist to give workers low wage or no wage at all. By doing this, capitalists are able to create surplus of money from their capital invested meanwhile their commodities circulate in the market. Because human beings were one of the vital commodities for success in early capitalism, enslaved workers could be shipped between the colonial territories to the help in monocropping on the large plantations. Presently, capitalist is usually understood to be a mean of system whereby the allocation of resources is by dictates of mechanism of the markets that are driven by profit motive. The advantages of the capitalism are that the government does not interfere with the business because there is limited control over it and that people have choice on what they want to do and where. Also, people are at liberty to do what they want with their money. However, this mode of economy has negative outcomes. Because the government is required to liberalize the market it has limited control over it and this can make few businesses to take monopoly which may lead to inefficiencies. In addition to this, capitalism only reward those who are fortunate to have natural scare abilities and not necessarily as result of hard work and this lead to huge inequities in income and wealth. The Progressive role of Western colonialism and capitalism in Third world Even though colonialism and capitalism had its own shortcomings, nevertheless, there is also a positive effect on balance we can talk about. Before colonialism, Africa only knew of socialism which was widely practiced among different communities. Socialism is a system that advocates for collective ownership and management of the means of production and distribution of goods. It is the opposite of capitalism which is a system hereby economy is based on private ownership of the means of production and personal profit can be realized through capital investment and employment of labor. Colonialism brought a new idea to Africa that the material progress and prosperity were possible for the masses of people. Africans in pre-colonial period did not imagine that could ever happen. They assumed that the material possessions they had were fixed. They believed in such things like plenty of the harvest could result to increase of food in the basket but the idea that living conditions could be changed was strange to them. They did not have a clue of the prospect that instead of trekking for miles in search of water it was possible to have piped water homes. Colonialism brought idea of progress in humanity. They enabled them to realize that people have capability to improve their condition of existence and that tomorrow could be much better that today (Ondeng, pp 26). Development of Infrastructure When colonialism stepped into sub-Saharan Africa three main objectives were the driving force. First objective was to meet the increasing demand of the raw materials for their industries. Second objective was to be able to secure areas and their territories that could form the market for their industrial goods produced by the capitalisms as it was are of industrial evolution. The last objective was that, they wanted to identify and dominate certain strategic areas that would be their future potential region for their investments. Therefore, as it can be seen, the main aim of capitalism expansion through colonialism was purely economic. But it was first necessary through political process of colonialism to create colonial territories to be able to achieve economic goals. Establishment of colonial territories was immediately followed by setting out diversified changes that included both social and economic among subdued societies in order to fulfill economic targets. This called for breaking down the already existed social and political system which resulted in replacement of traditional chiefdoms and kingdoms by Western European political system and consolidation of colonial state. Greater portions of fertile lands were given to settler farmers who produced non-agricultural raw materials for western industries. In order to make this kind of economy efficient, there was a dire need to establish communication infrastructure such roads, railway lines and ports so that there can be a linkage between hinterland and coastal to facilitate securing resources and human labor. In such regions only footpaths did exist that were used by human porters and animal. Most of the roads and railway network seen today in many parts of African countries speaks of a positive legacy from Western colonialism and capitalist in Africa and other third world countries. A good example of such country is Nigeria. In pre-colonial period, transport systems were limited to porterage over the land that was only utilized by animal and humans and small boats in waterways that are in southern and central Nigeria. In states of Nigeria, there were extensive trade routes in its territories which also facilitated movement of goods across the deserts to trade with North Africa and extended to the coast that involved trade with European. The roads were maintained by local leaders using hired labor or conscripted locals on the basis of the age. During this period the basic means of transport were pack animals and human porters. When British claimed Nigeria to be its colony, is started building transport network that would make efficient its ruling over this territory and make easier utilization of the resources in the region. It started with construction of the roads which was later followed by railway lines construction. This facilitated movement of good and people from one place to another as the need demanded which was critical as it helped to maintain strong economic and political ties within its territory. Since Nigeria gained independence there has been little in building new infrastructure network apart from what was established by their colonial master. This has been so because the Civilian governments had experiencing budgetary deficit and their priorities were to maintain regional divisions rather than improving transportation network and building better one in accordance modern world technology. However, while some few military governments were interested in development of better transport system, this turned to be a day dream. Therefore, post-colonial transport systems currently existing are just minimal maintenance of the infrastructure which their colonial master had set. This is a clear indication of the progressive role the Western colonialism and capitalism did play in Nigeria before they had left (Husher, para. 4-9). Suppression of barbaric practices Colonialism brought enlightenment in Africa. During pre-colonial period some African countries cannibalism and pagan worship was common practices. Practices such as cannibalism were usually restricted to specific regions particularly in West Africa. Such practices were not necessarily driven by craves for human flesh but were basically for rituals and sacrifices. The belief behind these practices of man eating were to receive imbibe magic strength that was considered to be transferred by through soul material. This soul material was particularly identified by certain body part of the victim particularly the head. In the community that practiced such behavior they had a belief that if a young man ate the elder, such individual could get wisdom or if it was an elder who ate a young victim this could have added vigor. African had a strong attachment with the dead. In fact, cannibalism in Africa was part of religious act that consisted of complex rules that actually prescribed who should partake of the human flesh and who is supposed to be eaten and also clearly spelt out which part were to be eaten. It also described what parts of the victim’s body were to be kept as part of relics. There were other instances where medicines were made out of the human flesh. For instance, in Leopard societies in Sierra Leone, they used human entails to make certain kind of medicines. When the Sierra Leone became a British colony, the first thing they did was to bring to an end this practice. First, the British investigated what was happening in the jungle. When it had a breakthrough in its investigations to address this extraordinary killing of human beings, it passed a bill which was called ‘The Leopard Ordonance’. This outlawed any possession of a leopard skin that were usually worn by these people who practiced these rituals, a three- pronged knife and a special native medicine called Borfina that constituted a concoction of human flesh such as fat and blood. It was potent in the hand of its owner as it was believed to help one to be powerful and rich . Through use of law and assimilation of European culture Africans experienced a transformation that played a great role in liberating them from such practices. This helped to uphold human dignity and universal human rights particularly right to life (Karoline, para. 7-14). Modern medicine As many of colonial powers embarked on a political project to control much of the world, diseases were the major obstacles for their expansion particularly in African continent. Tropical diseases such as malaria among others posed great challenge because there was no efficient form of medical treatment that existed in African land before except traditional medicine. Many African had a belief that disease was as result of witchcraft or evil spirits as opposed to empirical approach in treatment and management of the disease by European countries . This necessitated them to have attachment of medical personnel to commercial marines and putting up of rudimentary hospital facilities at their colonial territories. A good example is development of medical care in Tanzania. Christian missionaries were the first to introduce allopathic medicine in the territory. Eventually the colonial master in Tanzania assumed the responsibility of providing the health care to serve the army garrison that was stationed in the region partly to counter indigenous resistance and also to provide health care to European settlers. In British colonies they promoted establishment of the London and Liverpool schools of medicine where the study of tropical disease such as those found in the region was given the first priority. After World War 1, Tanzania became a British colony and it assumed the control of colonial medical care where it provided medical care at provincial and district administration levels, voluntary services that involved missions and employer-based that catered for the medical needs at plantations, mines and factories. They also implemented preventative measures that were in form of public health programs. This greatly helped to address the health needs of African that never existed before. It is on the basis of these colonial efforts to address tropical diseases which were a threat to their lives helped to see African countries with improved health care and reduced mortality rate from fatal tropical diseases (Baer, Singer and Susser, pp 18-22). Conclusion Colonialism by the Europe countries was considered to be a mission of civilization to the ‘uncivilized societies’ to be able to advance in state of achieving sustainable liberalized institutions and self government. However the legitimacy of colonialism by these European nations has always staged unsettled debate both in political sphere and with moral philosophers all over the world. Colonialism proved to be the only way through which West Europe could peruse their capitalism motives in the third world countries. Even though there have been shortcomings associated with colonial rule there has been an overall positive effect for Africa. Colonial rule brought enlightenment where ignorance did thrive. It helped to suppress barbaric practices such as pagan worship and cannibalism among others. It laid the seeds of the intellectual and material development as seen through infrastructure development, formal education and modern medicine that saved many Africans lives from deadly tropical diseases that were considered to be caused by witchcraft. Also it helped to reduce the economic gap whereby integration of colonies into international capitalist economy ushered in initial stages of globalization.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Company's Mission vs Christian Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company's Mission vs Christian Principles - Essay Example As small and startup businesses rarely have the financial resources to carry out market research, this paper assumes that a research firm on the behalf of another firm undertakes the research. The first step is to define the problem, goal and objectives of the research(Kotler & Keller, 2012). Research problems vary from one company to the next and also according to the prevailing situation. For instance, a rival company may introduce a new revolutionary product into the market. This development may force another company to improve its existing product if it is to compete with the new one. In such a case, the goal of the research may be to find out new benefits that consumers would like to enjoy in the existing product. At this stage, there is the risk of the research firm seeing the problem from their perspective not that of the contracting firm. Should this scenario happen, the entire research process could be rendered ineffective. The second step is to design the research. The essence of research design is determining the method of the research(Kotler & Keller, 2012). Among other considerations, the researcher will have to determine the type of research they are going to undertake. Broadly, research can either be a survey or a census. The main loophole at this stage is for the researcher to opt for a census as it will bring in more money by virtue of its scope, even if only a survey meets the needs of the client. This loophole can be sealed by the close collaboration of the marketing department of the client and the research firm. The third step is to design and prepare data collection tools. The most common data collection tool is the questionnaire(Kotler & Keller, 2012). The questionnaire could be sent to a respondent for them to complete and return it. Alternatively, a research assistant could visit the respondent at their residence or place of work and have them complete the questionnaire as they wait. The loophole here is that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Clara Barton Second Draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Clara Barton Second Draft - Essay Example Barton became involved with dealing with wounded soldiers behind the lines during the American Civil War, firstly distributing supplies and later searching for the fallen of the Union army. In 1864, thanks to her tireless efforts on the battlefield, Barton was promoted to superintendent of nurses. Her role in assisting casualties was of extreme importance, as Tooker underlines. He underlines that ‘volunteers, such as Barton, provided an invaluable service early in the war until larger charitable organizations, such as the U.S. Sanitary Commission, were able to assist the Union Army on providing basic necessities, sanitation and medical support for the troops’. (Tooker, 2007 p.220) After the war ended, as a result of her work and her determination to see the official list of the dead (copied in secret by a soldier – Dorence Atwater – and known as the ‘Atwater list’) published, she became known as the Angel of the Battle field. To recover from her exertions during the war, Barton travelled to Switzerland in 1869 for a peaceful break in Europe. However, when the Franco-Prussian war broke out in 1870, Barton once again took to the battlefield to help the injured, working with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Egglestone (2003: p.172) describes Barton’s activities in this period; ‘she followed German troops into Strasbourg after [a] 30-day siege and remained there for six months whilst setting up relief programs for the sick and wounded’. Upon returning to the US in 1973, Barton was determined to establish a similar organisation in her own country. However it took seven long years for her to persuade the American establishment that such an organisation was needed. Many Americans believed that their country would never again face a war as bloody as the Civil War, but Barton managed to gain recognition for the organisation by arguing that it could be useful not just in war time, but also in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Canadian public economics policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Canadian public economics policy - Essay Example Government spending has been used to determine the size of a government because it constitutes a large part of GDP, such that increasing it will effectively increase GDP. Furthermore, because government spending increases inflation as a result of increased money supply; increases deficits by choosing not to increase revenues vis--vis spending; and increases debts by choosing to borrow funds to finance spending, it makes a logical measure of the size of government. While this observation is theoretically sound, the actual effect of government spending is inconsistent. First, with regard to tax breaks and subsidies, because of its varying effects on the behaviour of businesses, the effect of government spending varies as well. For example, Canada's Five Year $100 billion Tax Reduction Plan should lead to a decrease in the size of government. However, because it makes Canada's business climate more competitive, it may induce corporations and business owners to move operations to, or increase operations in Canada, leading to an increase in the size of government instead. Second, it will also have varying effects on other components of GDP. ... as pensions and loan guarantees that are not always accounted for, but nonetheless exists, government spending is rendered an unreliable measure of the size of government.(375 words) Question 2 A debt management policy utilizing government bonds indexed to inflation is one way governments illustrate credibility in fighting inflation by intentionally removing incentives to inflate. In this respect, the Canadian government is committed to fighting inflation because as part of its debt management policy, it issues security bonds, indexed to the country consumer price index (CPI). A government's credibility in fighting inflation through indexed bonds can be illustrated through the differences between conventional and indexed bonds. With regard to the use of conventional bonds, a government debt's real value decreases in accordance to increases in inflation because as borrower, it will only have to pay a particular amount, based on nominal terms, regardless of changes in a currency's purchasing power caused by inflation. Since government financing through bonds indicate an implied obligation to pay in the future, conventional, nominal bonds eventually decreases in real value as the purchasing power decreases through yearly inflation. While these risks can be reduced through setting nominal interest rates that forecast possible increases in inflation, they are not secured from its unexpected sharp rises or declines. Thus, if inflation increases sharply, governments will require fewer resources to pay for its bonds transferring the loss in real value to the bond holder. Contrary to conventional bonds, indexed bonds, by linking their nominal terms to inflation specifies a more stable value for bondholders because the burden caused by inflation is placed on the

Friday, July 26, 2019

LensCrafters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LensCrafters - Essay Example riendly service should never be discounted as efforts to specifically address consumers gives them a sense of power as they enter into a room ready to serve them. The lessons learned from Lenscrafteres’ are to differentiate, provide high levels of service, and to be convenient without sacrificing quality. The strategy that is used by Lenscrafter in order to compete in the eyewear market is high levels of service. Service is made a visible entity as the customer can watch as their eyeglasses are being made. The service that is provided is intended to be completed within an hour, making it a convenient process which leads to the second characteristic. The second characteristic that defines the competitive priorities for Lenscrafters’ is that of convenience. Where most eyewear operations require several days to order and then receive the glasses that a customer has ordered, the Lenscrafters’ model is based on a fast turnaround that provide the consumer with their product within the same shopping experience. The average turnaround time is one hour (Collier & Evans, 2010). The final characteristic explored here is that of quality. Quality is the lynchpin characteristic of the development of the competitive advantages that Lenscrafters’ holds. Everything from the design of the store to the view of the workers in the lab promotes the idea of quality. Although service and convenience are the basis on which the store operates, it is through quality that they create relationships with consumers, outdistancing the competition by crating high quality eyewear in a short period of time with a high level of service. The service delivery system design is structured through the development of the store locations. The store locations use a number of different design features in order to facilitate the best possible experience for the consumer. The first element of the design is that it is created in order to evoke a high level of professionalism. The display of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nike and Labour Laws - The Seattle University Should Eliminate Its Con Essay

Nike and Labour Laws - The Seattle University Should Eliminate Its Contract to Supply SU-Logoed Apparel - Essay Example As the development of most of the products sold in the school took place in the bdevelop0ing countries, it is apparent that the company considered this move in order to cut expenses involved in the manufacturing process. Currently, most companies set up manufacturing plants in the developing countries in order to take advantage of cheap labour. Amid the increasing population growth, most people in the developing countries are jobless. Even those that have jobs are inadequate to sustain their lives. As such, foreign multinationals, in an effort to increase their levels of profits take the advantage of this situation in these countries. Further, most of these countries have weak labour laws. Because their governments are desperate to attract investors into the countries in order to help in job creation, they develop labour laws that encourage external investors to set up plants in the countries. The result of this is an increase in the level of poverty for these workers. With weak laws and governance structures, the multinationals show no concern in providing good incentives to the people. Rather, workers struggle in poor working conditions, with poor working contracts and low salaries. In other instances, they work for long hours and rarely receive any leaves. Nike, taking advantage of this situation also established its operations in these countries in an effort to increase its profitability. According to Dunn (2010), n its current position, Nike does not observe fair labour practices, especially for the plants in the developing countries. Subsequently, it became a reason for scrutiny for its labour practices. The company in most cases does not train its employees for the kind of work they handle. According to Butler (2010), Nike’s inhuman conditions are a source of suffering and increased diseases for most of its workers. Treating the working conditions of its workers shows the company’s negligence in protecting humanity, argues Butler (2010). However, its abuse of child labour is the main reason why the company has faced numerous accusations on its lack of labour ethics.     

Middle Eastern Terroists Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Middle Eastern Terroists - Assignment Example parison comes about with the comprehension that their respective intentions are inherently different and they would like to make sure that their aspirations and values are fulfilled more than anything else. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations have funding from proper measures which fuel the wave of terrorism in varied parts of the world. This is not the case with the domestic groups which need to find their funding regimes from scattered places and are often disbanded once their aims and objectives have been achieved3. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations keep on becoming stronger even though the crackdown has been coming all along, and more so after the 9/11 attacks on the United States of America4. The Middle Eastern terrorist organizations are therefore playing their negative role in more ways than one and can sometimes be compared directly with aliens invading the face of this earth with completely opposite perspectives than the inmates of this world5. Hence the comparison is not up to a discussion because of their respective working methodologies, funding mechanisms and so on and so

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Assessing risks arising from contamination of the aquatic environment Essay

Assessing risks arising from contamination of the aquatic environment with Bt toxin from GM corn (maize) crop litter in the USA - Essay Example (National Agriculture Statistics Service, 2009) Hypothesis: To find out the impact of BT toxins on the aquatic environment if used without extensive risk assessment. What is the first impression you get when you hear the term, â€Å"Genetically Modified Food†? In recent years, speculation has renewed over the full effects, and possible consequences of genetic modification of organisms for the production, and augmentation of human food supplies. It is worthwhile to identify the specificities of the techniques involved to produce BT crops, as well as other biotech innovations. To understand potential environmental and biological risk factors involved we must delve into precisely what does and does not occur with genetically modified crops. This study will explore techniques involved in producing genetically modified foods, their importance to agriculture, and the nature of the BT molecule/toxin. In addition, two other research projects will be summarized which explore possible s ide effects of BT toxin dispersing into the environment, as well as the frequency of that dispersal in the water table. BT technology must be a subject of discussion, both due to the popularity of this technique, by which pesticides can be incorporated directly into plant tissues constitutively – and the possible far-reaching ramifications of such an inclusion. Both of these studies focus on corn/maize due to its prevalence – but virtually any vegetable that has utility for humans is a possible target for genetic modification, in the interest of greater profit towards an increase in the human food supply. GENETIC MODIFICATION Genetically modified organism(GMO): An organism is "genetically modified", if it’s genetic material has been changed in a way that does not occur under natural conditions through cross-breeding or natural recombination. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a spore forming bacterium that produces crystals protein (cry proteins), which are toxic to many species of insects. (University of California San Diego) GM crops are made using technology which allows Bt toxins to be introduced into crops, making them resistant to pests. For centuries, human beings have attempted to incorporate desired traits both in animals and plants of human utility. Selective breeding has been employed to both as a means of eliminating undesirable traits, such as excessive ferocity in certain breeds of dogs, and greater sugar content as well as size increases for fruits and vegetables. Using ancient techniques agriculture was limited to working within a single species in order to identify desirable, and undesirable traits - and then through successive generations to concentrate those virtues within the species that proved of highest economic benefit to humanity. Or as the case may be, to winnow out those traits that ran counter to human interests. Genetic modification broadens the set of tools available to agriculture, agribusiness, and eventually to animal husbandry. What if we were not limited by the genes within a single species? What if it were possible to use genes from virtually any species and incorporate them into crops? Perhaps the particular globular proteins present in a deep-sea fish which

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What are the products made from benzene Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What are the products made from benzene - Essay Example The utilization of this product is not linked with human being directly; this chemical is used in preparation of different human related products as indirect link with human beings (Wilcox and Greenbaum, 1965). So, people should be careful about the usage of those products which are prepared with participation of benzene chemical. This concentration is supportive for the health protection of people in the social and commercial way of life. Benzene is commonly used in different industrial programs which are linked with all people without any doubt. For example, this chemical is used in preparation of drugs, lubricants, detergents, nylon, wheels and various other significant products which are linked with human life (National Research Council & United States, 1984). It is mostly used in United Stated and this is also confirmed that latest researches are also performed about advantages and disadvantages of benzene are also related with western countries (Cavani, 2009). According to the professional persons, benzene is a colorless chemical which is used in product due to attractive smell of this element. Accordingly, the harms of this chemical are stated as the link of benzene with petroleum is certain without any reservation. Some products which are prepared with benzene chemical are enlisted as under; So, it can be stated that benzene is an important chemical element for the success of various industries. So, proper care is needed for making protection of human health certain and obvious in the communal and commercial way of life. Benzene is an important element to make painting products elegant and gorgeous in the community. This chemical is used in various departments and this utilization is helpful to gain success obvious in paint manufacturing programs. There are three major parts of paint industry which are mentioned as coloring, binding and solvent agents in the industry. These all parts are related with utilization of benzene chemical which is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mergers and Acquisition Essay Example for Free

Mergers and Acquisition Essay Why are there mergers and acquisitions? Mergers and acquisitions take place for a number of reasons, such as refinancing for a better price, amplifying expansion, and submerging risk through diversification. New entities may drag behind after a merger takes place due to the higher cost of matching different and unconnected economic activities. Diversification by business groups may also reduce technical effectiveness. When a merger takes place, a bigger business groups emerges from the two which usually will have more economic and political influence In this paper, we will assess the impact of mergers and acquisitions on firms, including sensible and dubious reasons for, and benefits and costs of, cash and stock transactions. We will also be sure to examine the financial risks of merging with or acquiring an organization in another country and how those risks could be mitigated. First we will we will assess the impact of mergers and acquisitions on firms while also touching on the benefits and costs of, cash and stock transactions. Who gains from mergers? Typically, the selling firm tends to be impacted favorably by the merge and/or acquisition rather than the firm acquiring the selling firm. Studies demonstrate that most of the benefits from mergers and acquisitions were earned by the selling firm, not the acquiring company. For example, recent research found that holders in the acquiring firm earned an estimated 4% return on their investment with the completed acquisition in contrast to the holders of the target firm whom typically received a 30% return on their investment. So, to imply that mergers and acquisitions do not create benefits would not be correct because the acquiring firms are paying too much money for their acquisitions. There are many sensible and dubious reasons for mergers and acquisitions. Many times the reason for acquisitions is for expansion. Expansion that is not limited by internal resources means there is no reduction of working capital which crates many benefits such as; stocks can be exchanged faster, assets can be purchased more quickly rather than building, better technology can be gained as well as resources and skills, and the tax benefits can sometimes give the new company better operating leverage in their particular market. Smaller firms will usually always gain from merging with larger firms because larger firms have better equipment, resources, and technology. The aforementioned reasons make the merged firms more effective in daily operations, which in turn, make the merged firms more alluring to their current and potential clients. Mergers and acquisitions also help reduce the merged firms risk by diffusing their debt and risk among the various companies with the firm. Oftentimes firms will merge in order to gain a larger market share within their perspective fields. For example, ATT recently merged with Cingular Wireless to become the nations largest telephone network and gain the highest market share of customers in telecommunications, thus trying to eliminate competition. Now, we will discuss the financial risks of merging with or acquiring companies in another country. There are many financial risks of merging or acquiring companies in another country. One, oftentimes there are culture clashes between the foreign firm and the home firm. These cultural clashes sometimes lead to losing valuable managers and workers to other firms because they do not desire to live in another country. Two, there may be a conflict of intentions in two different countries which could spell disaster for all firms involved. Other financial risks can include; foreign exchange rates, lawyer, banker, and brokers fees. Firms must know foreign banking and business laws such as the proper filings they must report with the SEC and foreign officials. Many consideration must be taken when considering merging /and or acquiring a foreign firm. In this paper, we assessed the impact of mergers and acquisitions on firms which we found to be more beneficial to the smaller of the merging firms due to their gaining of better equipment and resources. We found that there are indeed many sensible and dubious reasons for, and benefits and costs of, cash and stock transactions which include risk diversification among the merged firms. We examined the financial risks of merging with or acquiring an organization in another country and conclude that mitigation can be done by ensuring that the proper laws and culture differences are overcome before merging. References Brealey, R., Myers, S., Marcus, A. (2004). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. Chapter 22: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Control. Retrieved from the internet on April 22, 2007 from Retrieved from the internet on April 22, 2007 from 36k

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Racial Profiling In Canada Criminology Essay

Racial Profiling In Canada Criminology Essay The public and the police encounters are challenged and stressful events. As a multicultural nation, Canada protects its core values such as the freedom from discrimination and arbitrary. However, activities like the investigation by the law-enforcement officials may make people vulnerable leading to allegation of racial profiling (Sean Kevin, 2006). Yet, the community widely recognizes the intelligence-law as a desirable matter of practice. With this regards, the police are encouraged to use criminal intelligence to eliminate the egalitarian ideals making the citizenry proud (Sean Kevin, 2006). A few years ago, the weight and height criterion on police officers recruitment and the training requirements were guided by physical strength and physiques, and their effectiveness at work rather than the color of the skin. Nonetheless, there are people who think that the skin color, non-legally relevant behavior, clothing can make them subject to unwanted treatments and if it comes from t he police it may qualify to be an infringement. The sense of the infringement in itself can escalate a response. Of course, some policies may lead to racial discrimination without any intention of racism. After careful consideration of Toronto Star investigative journalism report and a few other studies one should conclude that the Canadian Police Force have allegedly engaged in Racial Profiling, thereby demonstrating the negative effect on the public perception of police legitimacy. The Problem Canadian policing in terms of its affect on the publics perception of police legitimacy is a debate whose heart lies on the role of the police. The Canadian Police Force also bears the largest part to the responsibility of racial profiling (Melchers, 2006). In some instances, the police contacts with the public leave the sensitive members of the public bewildered. The quality of the police- public interaction has been intensified by the anti-racial profiling accusations. There are no new facts in the neologism racial profiling since there is a long history of biased policing in the findings and reported accusations. Racial profiling has garnered the attention of the media and public and thus the expression that the old wine is pouring into new bottles reinvigorating the problem. The Toronto Star articles Race and Crime The Toronto Star on October 19 2009 started publishing Race and Crime as series of articles that revolved around the theme of racial profiling. Justice is different for blacks and whites, Police target black drivers, and Blacks are targeted by Toronto police are treated harshly than whites are some of the singled out 2002 articles (Melchers, 2003). These subsequent stories claimed that the Toronto police were connected with racial profiling. The Star defined these acts of stopping people as the practice of stopping people for little reason other than their skin colour. The publication of the interviews with the black community leaders and advocates confirmed the presumption concerning reported charges of racial profiling and articulation of Scott Wortley, a Toronto criminologist (Melchers, 2006). The police representative responded to these acquisitions rejecting that they were singling out the black community. Alan Gold, a prominent lawyer and Edward Harvey a University of Toronto s ociologists were commissioned to conduct the Star independent review analysis by the Toronto Police Service. After their investigation the commission made a conclusion that what the Star analysis was Junk science and that the articles were completely unjustified, irresponsible and bogus slurs (Melchers, 2006). Additionally, the police union on behalf of its 7,200 members filed a $2.7 billion libel suit. To refute or support these claims judges, police officials, and attoneys further weighed to establish concrate contoversial statements. The Stars reported on police racial profiling after analyizing the Toronto Polices Criminal Information Processing System (CIPS) arrest data accessed by the Stars invetigative journalist team. The team was supervised by Dr. Michael Friendly, a director of York University Institute consulting service. The database that was analyzed constisted of more than 400,000 incidents involving arrests or tickets (Melchers, 2006). The identification information w as not included to protect the identity of individuals. Information identifying the incidence of arrest, charged or ticketed in broad category included other attributes such as gender, age, skin colour, the resideny status, and immigation. The data also included limited information housed in the CPIC such as the criminal histories of individuals, conditional release status, previous convictions, probation orders, and bail status (Melchers, 2003). Some of the police-recorded data in various instance was either missing or overrepesented. For instance, the least serious offenses were underreported and the more serious offences and known offenders were over-represented. Notice the CPIC only records information on police actions and incidences included information on arrest, ticket or charged persons. The main purpose of CIPS is to provide relevant information in the subsequent stages of the process of criminal justice. With this regards, no subsequent action can be taken on the recorded information if incomplete, the Star investigative journalist team faced this predicament in the course of their investigation. The Evaluation Over the past few years, the Toronto Star investigative report on Canadian police on racial profiling has attracted considerable attention. Canadian newspaper report on police racial profiling is practice that been highly politicized since the 70s (Melchers, 2003). For instance an earlier report conducted by the Royal Commission in 1992 on Donald Marshal indicated that nearly two-thirds of the total respondents felt that the police were discriminating the Canadian-African community. In reference to the interview with the Black Caribbean-Canadians who lived in Toronto City, Henry (1994) articulates that the police-public relations are filed with racial mistrust and suspicion practices (14). James (1998) also concludes in his examination that the encounters that the Black youth have with the police are characterized by harassment, suspicion, homogenization, and stereotyping which are indicative to police attitudes toward the Black youth (134). In other study conducted by Tanner and Wor tley (2002), the research approximated that more than 3,400 Black students in Torontos high schools attested having been stopped and questioned by police twice or more in a span of one year (369). They also claimed that they were subjected to physical searches. For the sake of this illustration, a keen interest must be developed on the articles that the Toronto Star initiated under the series race and crime with the claim that the Police Force of Toronto were engaging in racial profiling. The claims asserted the Black Torontonians were detained and treated worse than their White counterparts (Melchers, 2003). The citizens and the community leaders took the Stars report as a justification stating that racial profiling is an endemic in the crime and judicial system. The Star article series analyzed two independent data sets for two explicit reasons. First, there are the out-of-sight driving offenses where the driver is stopped without apparent reasons used in the assessment of the various patterns of traffic stops. Second, data sets pertaining to simple drug offenses were used in the assessment of the disparity of treatment of both Black and White drivers. In regard to the analysis of out-of-sight, the Star reported that from 19996 through to 2001, 4,696 out-of-sight offenses with noted skin colour were recorded identifying 33.6% of these as Black (Melchers, 2006). In comparison to the 1996 Canadian census, only 8.1% of Torontos total population was identified as Black therefore the Star reached to a conclusion that racial profiling existed. On the drug offenses, the Star investigative team examined more than 10,000 police depositions of the charged persons. For those involved, 23.6% were Black drivers and 63.8% involved the White counterparts, whereas the 76.5% of the latter were later released at the scene compared to the formers 61.8%. During the same period, 15.3% of the Black drivers were held for bail hearing as compared to the 7.3% of the White drivers (Melchers, 2006). The evidence was clear that the police treat Black Canadian worse than their White counterparts. Racial Profiling in Canadian courts The ambiguity of the phrase racial profiling has found itself favoured in the Canadian Courts. The jurisprudential term articulable cause in Canada equates to lack of reasonable grounds in the U.S., which is regarded as de jure evidence concerning racial profiling even when specific evidence on racial biasness is missing. Such an asymmetry has emerged as a consequence that has affected how the legal rights in regards to the ways the police powers are treated when applying the power of search, investigative detention, and seizure. This form of asymmetry makes the enforcement of law and public safety more difficult when it comes to the members of visible minority threatening to endanger their security, in the midst empowering criminal organizations (Melchers, 2006). There is a growing reception in the courts, the public, and the media on racial profiling allegations whose basis might be evidentiary weak or not completely fabricated. The two most cited sources of claims in Canadian expe rience are the Toronto Star investigative journalism report on race and crime conducted in year 2002 and the recently conducted data collection by Scot Wortley commissioned by Kingston Police Service. The two experiences are still undergoing peer reviews though they continue to circulate as grey literature. Today the two studies suffer from acute methodological problems and the research community have a consensuses view that the two are junk science. Subsequently, if any police work lack sufficient grounds or articulable cause then these cases are submitted as racial profiling when the subject of these actions is from a visible minority community. When the subject stopped by the police present physical and visible characteristics that may evoke stereotyping and the findings of the court report that the police were deficient and unlawfully detained the subject then the court can submit statements supporting the presence of racial profiling. The ant-profiling advocates have made suggestions that all police stops of the visible minority population including those at the street stops of pedestrians be taken as presumptively forms of detention of a higher standards. Many have argued that such a differential standard is crucial because it recognizes how the visible minority perceive things differently from others specifically when they relate with the police. Under looking the developments are advocates whose intentions are to drive an intermediary between the law enforcement authorities and the visible minorities which perhaps unknowingly can further the notion that the police are antagonistic and unsympathetic to the visible minorities. Fighting Racial Profiling In the law enforcement, the issue of racial profiling has purported systemic and widespread biasness. This issue in the public debate has a staying power which requires immediate response from the investigative authorities, the police, and other parties in the criminal justice system (Melchers, 2006). The culture of racial profiling can be dangerous to the public safety and the social cohesion. Furthermore, it has became clear that the conventional accountability mechanisms such as clear polices working in opposition to discrimination and biasness are no longer seen as sufficient as they used to be. Perhaps Stars article series were the eye opener depicting the intractable problems that still permeates the Canadian criminal and Judiciary system. Yet, the racial profiling in other countries such as the U.S. has added much heat and no enlightenment to the debate. Some of the effective tools that can control and suppress the perception of racial profiling policing are the establishing t ask forces that involve the community leaders, disciplinary policies, public statements, training, and written policies that work against racial profiling. These mitigation techniques are rather debatable than costly compared to the difficult flawed collection of evidence that can sometime contradict or even support positive-negative views. Conclusion In todays conformist age, it is very tempting for the progressives to be content with victories such as the official knowledge of Canadian racial profiling. Nonetheless, the realization that the government agencies such as the police force are operating in non-transgressive universe of meaning whose value on acknowledgement concerning issues of social justice are characterized by omissions, distortions and qualifications can lower these temptations (Melchers, 2006). The Stars series articles presented police racial profiling as ubiquitous and dysfunctional producing a report that was more cautious than crucial and more befuddling than enlightening and hence the title of these articles. Significantly, this paper has addressed the specific topic about Canadian policing in terms of its affect on the publics perception and the police legitimacy concerning racial profiling. The paper also presented general arguments about Canada, the presently constituted policies in courts, and the lack of guarantees to substantive anti-racism. It now goes without saying that appeasing measures such as training, establishing task forces that involve the community leaders, disciplinary policies, and public statements can help fight the problem of racial profiling. If these methods are followed, Canada can mollify the effect of racial profiling, lower political costs, and fuel the progressive transformation of major institutions such as the police force. From the point of view Stars investigative journalism report and other studies on race and racism, it is clear that the best racial policy is the one that provide appearance of change without a changing of the status quo.

Sexual exploitation of children: Issues in treatment

Sexual exploitation of children: Issues in treatment Social Work and Criminal Justice: Victims of Violent Crime Analysis Abstract This report explores many factors of sexual abuse, specifically sexual exploitation of children. Ethical and policy issues that may affect practice with this population as well as the nature of the violent crimes are some of the factors explored in this report. The sexual exploitation of children is widespread and exists worldwide. Many of these children have long-term effects from sexual abuse that follow them into adulthood. In order to provide the adequate and appropriate treatment to sexually abused and exploited children, one must understand the magnitude of this heinous epidemic that is steadily increasing. Introduction The role of a generalist social worker who works with victims of violent crimes is of extreme importance. This is significantly true for social workers working with children who are victims of sexual exploitation. When generally recognized standards do not exist with respect to an emerging area of practice, social workers should exercise careful judgment and take responsible steps to ensure the competence of their work and to protect clients from harm (Reamer, 2010). A generalist social work base provides an existing foundation on which direct intervention, policy formation, advocacy, and networking may be implemented (Herrmann, 1987). Social workers confront child sexual exploitation as school social workers, at runaway shelters, at counseling agencies, and within the court system. The history of the profession provides the precedent for social work’s involvement in ending child sexual exploitation. Sexual abuse is any sexual activity with a child where consent is not or cannot be given. This includes sexual contact that is accomplished by force or by threat of force, regardless of the age of the participants, and all sexual contact between an adult and a child, regardless of whether there is deception or the child understands the sexual nature of the activity (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2013). The sexual exploitation of children includes sex trafficking, child pornography, and child prostitution. Exploited children carry the effects of sexual abuse for many years in an agonizing struggle with sexual dysfunction, depression, insomnia, suicide attempts, and self-mutilation. The population mostly affected by child exploitation is usually children from infancy to adolescence. These children often live in poverty or live in low-income environments. Often, these children lack parental guidance or have parents who are involved in substance abuse. This population is usually the target of sexual abuse. Because of the anxiety most people harbor about sexuality in general, children have little information about sex. They have limited life experience upon which to base judgments. Thus, children can be easily misled or tricked (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2013). Those who sexually abuse children are referred to as pedophiles. Many pedophiles report a history of sexual victimization as adolescents. Occasionally, many children find themselves blackmailed into adulthood by their exploiters. Not all victims become victimizers. All, however, may experience guilt, confusion, shame, and anger as a result of exploitation (Herrmann, 1987). Risk Factors of Child Sexual Abuse Risk factors associated with sexual abuse and the exploitation of children includes the facts that suggest that girls are more likely to be victimized than boys. However, boys are equally as vulnerable as girls. The average age for the abused is between ages 4 and 6 years for boys and ages 11 and 14 years for girls. Children who have disabilities are at greater risk for sexual abuse. These children are more vulnerable and less likely to defend themselves (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2013). Nature of Violent Crime The nature of this particular crime can be heinous. This includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, and power of manipulation. Often, children are profiled and sought for their openness to trust others. The children are misled and manipulated into thinking the perpetrator will provide conditions that are better than their current situation. Children are often beat and drugged then sold into human trafficking. These children are forced in prostitution and forced to participate in horrible sexual acts. This includes intercourse, fondling, pornographic photography, and other unthinkable acts. Scenario Angel is a 14 year old African-American girl living in an inner-city neighborhood. Angel has four siblings and both parents are incarcerated for substance abuse. Because of the absence of her parents, Angel and her siblings are cared for by their elderly grandmother. The family does not have much money and often goes without basic needs such as food and clothes. Angel dropped out of school due to the constant judgement and bullying from other students. Without anywhere to go, Angel would often walk the streets to pass away the time. While hanging out in the neighborhood, Angel was approached by an older man who mentioned he had taken an interest in her. He complimented Angel on her looks and told her that she should not be walking the streets, but pampered instead. Daily, the man would complement Angel and showered her with gifts. She had never been shown this kind of love before and felt she was in love. She was invited to the man’s home for dinner. Although the man was much older, Angel was eager to receive his charm. She agreed to dinner at his home. On the following evening, Angel met the older man around the corner from her family’s home. She was instantly swept off of her feet. The man arrived in a shiny, red convertible sports car with a bouquet of roses in hand. When she arrived to the man’s home, she was greeted with more flowers, candles, and wine. Although she had never had wine before, Angel felt a sense of maturity and drank the wine. During the dinner, the man told Angel that he was aware of her conditions at home. He promised her that he would make all of her sorrows go away if she allowed him to take care of her. He promised to provide all of her needs and that she will never have to go without any of her basics needs anymore. He promised to shower her with gifts and to show her the world. Angel felt all of her prayers had been answered and that she had met her knight in shining armor. Although the room began to spin and she felt slightly ill, Angel agreed to spend the night with the man. He insists tha t she should not go home in her condition. The next morning Angel awoke feeling very ill and confused. She could not remember where she was. Angel’s clothes had been removed and she was chained to a bed at her wrist and ankles. She is in a lot of pain and begins to cry out for help. Angel is aware that her body has been violated and wonders who could do this to her. Although she has been crying for hours, no one answers her cries for help. Eventually, a man she does not recognize enters the room and begins to yell and curse at her. He tells her that no one is going to help her and threatens to hit her if she does not stop crying. Although she tries to control her sobbing, Angel continues to cry. The man kept his promise and began to violently beat her. The violent beating left Angel unconscious and she never saw her knight in shining armour again. On the following afternoon, again, Angel awoke dazed and confused. She noticed that she was chained to a radiator and had been moved to another location. She was later approached by two men who informed her that she now works for them. She was promised shelter and protection in return for following their orders. Daily, Angel found herself in different locations servicing men for money. Often, Angel would be transported from state to state and advertised on the internet. Although Angel wants to escape the life she was forced to live, she often finds herself drugged, beaten, and far from home. She has no resources and is not allowed to make calls or befriend anyone. Angel feels trapped. She often contemplates suicide and feels that taking her life is the only way out of her lifestyle. Although Angel’s family attempted to find her, they had no luck. She was reported missing to the police, but dismissed as a delinquent runaway. Months began to pass and Angel became another statistic. Angel is now a part of the child sex trafficking ring. Daily, she is forced into prostitution and forced into a life she should not have to live. This commercial exploitation is the result of the lack of importance given to human rights around the world, the disregard of children’s needs, and the vast amount of money involved (Herrmann, 1987). Ethical Issues There are several ethical issues that may affect practice with this population. Although social workers are mandated to report sexual abuse of children, ethical and legal considerations for treatment of sexually exploited children remains an issue. Before treatment begins with the victim, is it appropriate for a practitioner to directly inquire and/or process information with a victim about an alleged offense in a pending criminal matter? To what degree can such inquiry, recounting, or processing of the events in question alter the child’s recollection of what took place (Branaman Gottlieb, 2013)? Social workers must consider ethical issues of the effects of questioning, retelling, and suggestion on perceived personal experience. These processes operate in all therapeutic settings, but when they arise in the context of treating a child witness, they may influence, if not dramatically alter, a child’s memory (Branaman Gottlieb, 2013). Also, social workers should be cau tious when considering introducing a new treatment approach to these children. New approaches to the profession usually generate controversy among social workers because many unknown issues may arise. Social workers should attempt to locate empirical literature documenting the effectiveness of new approaches. Most social workers will conclude that using a controversial new treatment approach is too risky, ethically and clinically (Reamer, 2010). Policy Issues Often, policy issues may affect practice with this population. Child sex abuse issues are handled by state and local authorities, and not by the federal government. This is because of the relationships between the states which have broad authority within their jurisdictions. Unfortunately, the federal government has constitutional limitations on its authority. Because of this matter, the Department of Justice generally has no authority over child sex abuse issues. However, if a child is sexually abused or sexually exploited on federal land, the offender may be prosecuted under federal law in addition to state law. Another policy issue is the statute of limitations in child sexual abuse cases. Every state has a standard suspension of the statute of limitation for legal actions while a person is a minor. Most states have adopted additional extensions for cases involving sexual abuse of children. In the state of Mississippi, victims must file their claim within 3 years of the sexual abu se and/or within 3 years of the victims release from incarceration. Assessment and Evidenced-based Practices Treatment and assessment of child victims of sexual exploitation has several objectives. According to Zastrow Kisrt-Ashman (2013), the first objective is to provide a safe environment where the survivor feels comfortable enough to talk. The survivor must learn to identity, express, and share feeling, even when they are negative and frightening. A second treatment goal is to have the survivor acknowledge that the abuse was no fault of theirs. The third objective involves teaching the child new ways to express their feelings. A fourth treatment goal is to address and special treatment needs of the child. These needs may include medical treatment or behavioral modification programs. The fifth goal is to enhance family communication, support, and understanding of the abuse. On a micro-level of intervention, practitioners have been known to use several evidence-based treatment modalities when treating sexually abused children. Often, the psychodynamic theory and treatment is used. Psychodynamic theories emphasize the importance of stages of psychosocial development and the unconscious mental processes of human behavior. According to Walsh (2010), in ego psychology, problems or challenges may result from conflicts within the person or between the person and external world. Also, crisis theory and intervention is used. A crisis is defined as the perception or experience of an event as an intolerable difficulty. Crisis intervention represents a strengths approach because it underscores the possibility of client growth, even in horrible situations. The social worker must build upon clients’ strengths in order to help them adapt to, and grow from, the experience (Walsh, 2010). On the mezzo-level of assessment and intervention, structural family theory (SFT) and intervention is often used. This theory attempts to bring structure back to the family. The focus of the theory is family structure. Family structure is a concept that refers to the invisible and often unspoken rules that organize how family members interact. In this intervention, the social worker is highly directive and directly leads the family’s process of problem resolution. During the intervention of SFT, role plays and role reversals are often employed by practitioners. The role plays are enactments of possible family situations that aim to adjust family interactions. The goal of role reversal is to sensitize family members to the feelings of other members in the family. Also, the Family Emotional Systems Theory is used. The theory provides a comprehensive conceptual framework for understanding how emotional ties within families of origin influence the lives of individuals in ways the y often fail to appreciate and may tend to minimize (Walsh, 2010). The theory offers broad intervention strategies with which the social worker can utilize techniques in accordance with a family’s particular concerns. On a macro-level of assessment and intervention, the ideal way to treat sexual abuse of children is to prevent the events from happening. Information and education are significant factors of prevention. In the community, parents need both education about how to raise children and knowledge that in the event they are in crisis resources are available to help. Special programs could be readily available in the community to help parents with these issues ((Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2013). These programs would be beneficial to the community on many levels. Diversity Issues There are diversity issues that affect this population. Minorities from different backgrounds are at higher risk of child sexual exploitation. Many children from low-educational backgrounds are also at higher risk for exploitation. Most of the children that are misled into sexual exploitation are from impoverished areas of the world. In some cases, racial disparity has become an issue in the matter of child sex trafficking. Often, cultural difference must be taken into account when working with sexually abused children. In some countries, touching of a child’s genitals is accepting. In the Philippines, it is culturally accepting to touch a child’s private area and not seen as deviant behavior. In the Korean culture, touching a child’s genital area is also an acceptable behavior. This behavior is considered an expression of adoration and pride for a male child who is to carry on the family name and tradition. In the Vietnamese culture, this behavior is thought of as an expression fondness, not a crime. The cultural differences of the world suggest that some cultures do not view the sexual abuse of a child in the same context as others. Although most societies view these behaviors as deviant and unacceptable, others view these behaviors as normal and accepting. These accepting views can be related to family pride or superstitions. It is of the most importance for practitioners and other health professionals to be aware of the cultural difference in order to provide adequate and effective treatment to children in need. This knowledge will help to ensure that social justice is granted to those who need it the most, sexually abused and exploited children. References Branaman, T. Gottlieb, M. (2013). Ethical and Legal Consideration for Treatment of Alleged Victims: When Does It Become Witness Tampering? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 44(5). 299-306. Herrmann, K. (1987). Children Sexually Exploited for Profit: A Plea for a New Social Work Priority. National Association of Social Workers, Inc., 523-525. Reamer, Frederic. (2010). Ethical Standards in Social Work: A Review of the NASW Code of Ethics. (2nd ed.) Baltimore, MD: Port City Press. Walsh, J. (2010). Theories for direct social work practice. (2nd ed.) Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Zastrow, C. Kirst-Ashman, K. (2013). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment. (9th ed.) Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Worn Path Essay -- essays research papers

In the story "A Worn Path" the author, Eudora Welty, develops Phoenix Jackson as the main character who indirectly manipulates other people. The author almost makes the reader feel grief for this old lady who had a very rough life. At the same time, readers observe how Phoenix uses her tragic lifetime as a justification to be selfish. In reality Phoenix is an average human being who feels she must be rewarded for living. She is an old Negro woman who has seen a lot in her lifetime. Her lifetime symbolizes the title of the story by informing the reader of some obstacles she has defeated in her "worn path" of a life. One of the biggest events Phoenix has experienced is slavery. All throughout the story there are several incidents that help back up her selfish characteris...

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Comparison Between A Coy Mistress and To The Virgins Essay examples -

A Comparison Between A Coy Mistress and To The Virgins ====================================================== Both Andrew Marvell and Robert Herrick who are writing in the 17th Century which was in the Romantic period and both poems are about love. This comparison ties both poems closely together as well as their identical themes of time running out. Herrick’s poem â€Å"To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time† is essentially a general argument that everyone who has not yet found love should make the most of the short time they have alive and marry someone as soon as possible. The idea of Marvell’s poem is to get his mistress into bed with him. This means that there will be a contrast at points of the poem where some conclusion is reached. Herrick’s poem is much shorter than Marvell’s and therefore his point is brought across in two metaphors to express it and then a conclusion which drives it home. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† on the other hand comprises of 3 large verses. The first one is humorous supposedly to break down the barrier between him and the girl who the poem is for, the second is used to shock his reader to convince her that she should come with him and the third verse is an actively persuasive conclusion which tells her that he is the only logical choice for her to take. This means that the short four stanza Herrick poem which is composed entirely of evidence and persuasion to back up his point compares closely to Marvell’s who is also persuading his mistress and leaving her no room to defy his argument. In Herrick’s poem, he uses a metaphor of a flower which may be at full bloom and beautiful today but then tomorrow it will be wilting and dying by which he means that the young virgins may be bea... ...ll wants (i.e. to seduce his mistress). This poem is written in rhyming couplets which for most of the poem gives it a melodic persuasiveness however on line 24, which ends with the word eternity does not rhyme with the line above ending with the word lie. This is designed to interrupt the beat of the poem and to disturb the reader so that this word eternity is emphasised and proves the point that when she dies, it will be for ever. Both Herrick and Marvell are male poets from the same romantic period in the 17th Century and therefore the context and language used in their poems are relatively similar. It is also probably since Herrick was a major influence in the poetic world at the time – that Marvell has read â€Å"To the Virgins† and both authors will therefore have comparative ideas for example the theme of time which features so strongly in both poems.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Wedding Speech Delivered by the Bride -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeche

Wedding Speech Delivered by the Bride Hello everyone. I guess this is slightly unusual - the Bride doing a speech - but as you all know, the chances of me being able to stay quiet whilst everyone else does a speech were pretty slim. A good speech, they say, should be like a mini-skirt - short enough to be interesting, yet long enough to cover the essentials! So here goes........ Thank you all for coming to share the day with us. Many of you have had to take time off work and/or travelled a fair distance to be with us today - we really do appreciate the sacrifices that have been made for us. Of course, there are some faces missing from this celebration as I look round the room and for whatever reason, cannot be with us to share this special occasion. I'd like to make a toast now to the different people we've known and loved who are looking down on this celebration and hopefully having a little one of their own up there! Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please stand and raise your glasses to 'Absent Friends and Loved Ones'. Thanks to everyone who has helped in one way or another. I won't mention names as I'll more than likely forget someone and upset them! Special thanks to Mom, Dad, Irene and Jimmy for their generous contributions. Also, thankyou to Irene and Jimmy for raising James so well, althoufg I understand that the warranty's out of date and the refund deadline has long since passed. I think I'l... ...finally start to let himself go! Anyway, thankyou James for turning up today, on time and appropriately dressed. (Turn to hubby) You are the love of my life, my best friend and now my hubby. I don't think anybody could be as happy as I am today and I can't wait for us to share the rest of our lives together. I'll drink my own private toast to James later. Iwould now like to propose another toast, this time to you, our guests. (Get hubby to stand up) Cheers everyone! I had a great laugh writing this speech and even more of a laugh delivering it - especially as the Best Man (and everyone else) had no idea it was coming and he was geeing himself to stand up!! Hope this helps other Brides planning a speech.

Analysis of the Effects of Product Cannibalism

PRICING STRATEGY – CANNIBALISM AND NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – R. A. KERIN M. G. HARVEY J. T. ROTHE 1. My choice I have chosen to work on this topic for these reasons. For many years now, and mostly because of the economic crisis, a lot of « premium  » and mid-range brands have to compete against low-cost ones. In order to do this, some of these companies decided to launch low-cost brands to bring back lost customers.But I have already learned that this strategy can sometimes become a real threat for their premium brands: in fact, companies who do this can think that they bring new customers but unfortunately these customers are coming from their premium brand. Some real life examples are coming to me such as Coca-Cola Company who launched Coca-Cola light and Coca-Cola zero which was successful. How to avoid or reduce the brand cannibalization? What kind of strategy to develop? I hope that this article, even if it's a very old one, can answer these questions. . The su mmary The article starts be giving a definition of the cannibalization effect: we consider 2 different products (A and B) belonging to the same company – cannibalization means that (all other things equal), decreasing the price of product A will bring the sales decreasing of product B. This undesirable effect is occurring when the company, instead of launching a new product, prefer to reformulate one which already exists in an already created market. Authors are putting lights on two main consequences of cannibalistic strategy.The first one is positive, it allows to the company, through the new product, to open a new market, and thus gain market shares. The second seems to be negative, because customers of the first company's product can switch to the second, and it will not bring any additional revenue to the company. But, as authors underline, sometimes it's better for the company to see customers moving from the first product to the second one inside the same portfolio tha n reaching the competitor's product.So, cannibalism strategy can be a good way for the company to kill competitors, but the risk is huge if the new product creates an artificial segmentation which implies artificial needs. The distortion effect of cannibalism is the second main part of the article. Basically, it means that in order to appreciate the profitability of the new product, you must take in account cannibalization of the first one. Authors are talking about  « Pyrrhic Victory  » when one's overestimate the growth of the sales volume and market share due to the new product.Authors provide a solution to avoid this bas effect of cannibalism: the market test. For them it's the best method to know what need(s) the new product will fulfill when it will be launched. This method can help managers to identify (the most early as possible) what amount of the new product should be produced in order to reduce the cannibalization. The question of the  « acceptable  » level of can nibalization is evoked: the two main drivers to compute it are according to the authors the cost structure and market maturity. 3. My opinionOne of the main lessons I learned reading this article is that cannibalism can really be a positive thing for companies. Even if customers of the new product are indeed customers who switched from the previous one, they still not competitor's customers. Far to be a threat, the cannibalism strategy can really be useful and great for companies, especially, as I said in my first part, in time of crisis. Then I think, the article could provide more examples of  « positive  »or  « negative  » cannibalization. The example of Coca-Cola provided at the beginning of this memo is revelatory of the « positive  » cannibalization.In fact, a lot of different soda beverages belong to the Coca-Cola company (such as for instance Fanta, Minute maid or Coca-Cola). In 1983, Coca-Cola company launched Coca-Cola light, which tastes different from the ori ginal Coca-Cola but sugar free ; and then, at the beginning of 2000†², Coca zero was launched which was supposed to have the same taste as Coca-Cola original, and still sugar free. Even if Coca- Cola light lost many customers who switched to Coca zero, they still  « inside  » the same company and not moved to competition.This kind of strategy was learned in our Brand management course that sometimes it consists in creating a similar product can extend the market share of both products. Named the Flanker strategy, the two products are belong not only to the same company but also to the same product category. This strategy has many advantages: it's often almost free to market, as it's very close to the first product and using the same brand, and it was noticed that it's also a good way to promote both products and brands.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Famous quotes for teachers Essay

I lots wonder about instructors who educated noted people such as Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, and the like. Were these inculcateers peculiarly qualified to inspire their students to achieve fame and supremacy? Or were these teachers just plain gilt to micturate exceptionally talented students? Do some teachers ingest the r atomic number 18 character reference of turning dust into gold? The root may not be gentle to find. Andy Rooney Most of us end up with no more than five or six people who remember us. Teachers have thousands of people who remember them for the rest of their lives.Haim G. Ginott Teachers are expected to reach unattainable goals with brusque tools. The miracle is that at times they accomplish this insurmountable task. Anonymous Leading a pip-squeak to learnings treasures, gives a teacher untold pleasures Anonymous Teachers dont impact for a year, but for a lifetime. Chinese proverb Teachers open the door. You compute by yourself. Bill Muse I think a se cure job for young people is history teacher, because in the future, there will be so much more of it to teach.Howard Lester I have been maturing as a teacher. New experiences turn new sensitivities and flexibility Hippocrates I give tongue to to hold my teacher in this subterfuge equal to my own parents to make him provide in my livelihood when he is in need of money to share tap with him to consider his family as my own brothers and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture. Edward Blishen Life is amazing and the teacher had check prepare himself to be a intermediate for that amazement.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

A satisfactory return on assets might be divided through a high profit margin , or a rapid turnover of assets, or a combination of both. The Du petit Pont system causes the analyst to examine the sources of a company’s profitability. Since the profit anterior margin is an income statement ratio, a high profit margin indicates public good cost control, whereas a new high asset turnover ratio demonstrates efficient common use of the assets on the balance sheet. Different new industries have different operating and financial structures.Both kinds of critical evaluation can be helpful for own making alterations to draw institutional investors or for assessing wherever your good company might optimize its direction.Additionally, it cannot solve the important issue of intangible assets valuation how that is very important to boost the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in a long term.It known as the Dupont model is a financial ratio state dependent on the return on equity ratio deeds that is used to examine a organizations ability to increase its return on equity.

Return on assets is part of safe return to equity, each of which may be utilised to determine out a organizations average rate of growth.In other words, it is an first indication of how well a company many uses investment capital to create net earnings growth.It is a company that is going many places in the community.Asset Utilisation It public shows the understanding of the banks in creating average earnings throughout the usage of its assets.

Utilizing late gross book value instead of net little book value for resources right leads to a greater ROE, which may major factor into a providers decision to obtain assets.Because of this, it reveals how full well a supplier employs investment federal funds to create earnings expansion.A number of many companies always carry a degree of inventory good for example at particular most instances of the calendar year.Increase and it old has has been attempting to expand their production.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How to Find an Earth Fault on Board Ships? Essay

footing happy chance is considered genuinely minute on wag a ravish. nigh get bys which occupy at 440 V do non consent either slipperiness devices addicted for a iodin g turn taint. stock-still when the operational potency exceeds 3000V, it is authorization to earn a security carcass which withdraws when a machinery suffers an orb misunderstanding. How to demote disclose an priming queer?The earnestness of the fulfil to be interpreted on an kingdom misapprehension depends on the routine of the galvanic corpse it affects. courtly ships which ascertain on 3 Phase, 440V, necessitate priming coat misplay indexs inst single(a)lyed on entirely trine mannikins. whatsoever worldly concern spot on a 440V constitution is considered to be a estimable stir and present(prenominal) fol depleted through is pauperization to chance upon the imperfect rophy. some(prenominal) solid ground recess on 220V or some(prenominal) low potency get byer round dope be considered as valuable moreover need non convey conterminous assist. yet, attention should be paying at the next in the first place opportunity. determination creati yet concernly concern recess on 440V roofyWhenever on that point is an ground recess demoralize system, nowadays swear to galvanizing mutilateiceholder (if he is on board). set polish remove action is to detain the every(prenominal)egiance of the warning device. unremarkably in that gaze all(a)ow for be a turn up handout which when pressed, resets the deject and re halts the stipulate of the acres flaw. If the ship is having IAS (Integrated mechanisation System), read on the reck wizr in the come of events afterwards which the dread has activated. If IAS rapidness is non available, thither is only mavenness(a) and only(a) weft of discriminate separately and either machinery in the 440 V travel and acquire whether the body politic pris onbreak sign returns bear to normal. isolation of all machinery, which operates on 440V, is non invariably possible. authorized accusefinding equipment analogous management paraphernalia and lubricating oil colour pumps give the gatenot be apart(p) for when the ship is underway. However spiritual rebirth atomic number 50 be through from outpouring machinery to the standby peerless and consequently the creation fault apprize be tack together. conclusion primer intermission on 220V term of enlistment finding an existence transmutation on a 220V tour is comparatively heavy than a 440V turn. The principal(prenominal) precedent world the tinder enlistments found all round the vessel. However, whatsoever dry land fault discouragement with respect to a 220V forget me drug is normally hardened as grand tho not an emergency. When a 220V reason fault disquietude sounds, as tell earlier, the allegiance of the alarm is check out by closet the s how pushing and hence investigating stop be lift outed on each and all(prenominal) 220V circuit. employment body politic err unityous belief alarm sounds on a 220V plank1. regard the truth of the alarm. 2. withdraw the complete(a) comp eaching range venire for a igniter division unitary by peerless. 3. apprehension the hide out teddy indicator for pre learn (still defective or normal). 4. If wrong(p), past posture on the breaker which is put bump by earlier and isolate otherwise mathematical group arrest ornament for luminance circuit. 5. at one time the group start decorate is identified, past someone light trade ines be rancid impinge on one by one and checkered for the alarm condition. 6. When any switch when turn off and indeed the condition becomes normal, beca phthisis this light up circuit is marked and accordingly reassessment is make on the feature light for abnormalities. entree of wet is well-nigh frequent basis f or an reality fault. chute composition sooner of round off ledgeman one by one for the luminousness circuit, I followed a order acting where I rancid off all tinder circuit of a point doubted atomic number 18a. This method helps usually when in that location are ii or more universe faults in 220V lighter circuit. By turning off all the breakers of a item area, therefore fracture on the breaker one by one testament wipe out duplex creation faults. When I turned off light up switches one by one, it was hard for me to mention quintuple earth faults. at a time the special(a) faulty circuit is spotted, accordingly we imbibe to still break them into individual divisible pieces and check them for earth faults. For this as usual, we use megger against earth. By removing immingle of the devil phase mental strains, each line can be tested and the fault pinned slew