Saturday, October 19, 2019

Final reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Final reflection - Essay Example I thought each and every explanation I made through my words in written was final and there needed no expansion. I therefore always emphasized upon my thesis to be the final. I was however wrong. Today when I have completed my one-year long course in English, I hereby confess that I had no legal grounds behind my claim of being the best. I was just an elementary student of writing. I have completed my course and in the silence of evening standing by the edge of my home-garden, I have to pay thanks to my teachers who corrected my errors and invoked in me the zeal to search out for befitting words while writing. During the introduction of my paper, I had usually no idea that first impression always proves to be the last impression to the reader. I remember that I did not take care for my introductory remarks in my assignment of May 11, 2013 when I used â€Å"hypothesis† instead of â€Å"thesis† which my tutor rejected at once. I was, though in hidden words, told to pay ma ximum attention to the selection of words. I noticed that I had de-tracked my reader by de-tracking the introduction of my paper. I wrote: â€Å"The hypothesis quotes that increase in women education has led to increase in their employment currently and in future† (Writer’s Letter). ... This is what I came to know after I submitted different assignments to my teacher. In the Writer’s Letter, I was told that providing information in the body of the paper is a sensitive thing to do and deliberate provision of false information is the academic crime. I included â€Å"John†, â€Å"Sir Alton† and† Charlie† amongst the characters which were never there in the novel. This was something rash and irresponsible on my part. But what I learned was my resolve not to commit such crimes again and the next of my papers proves that I presented solid information which was up to the satisfaction. I was able to introduce my inner belief in the paper and to my pleasure, the tutor rewarded me with applause when I wrote: â€Å"Through my socialization, I was made to believe in the almighty God who gives life and thus no human intervention would prolong or shorten the life span of humans unless God does it†. I was encouraged I must be critical while explaining different aspects of things. Thus I learned that for the best work, one must try not to conceal any information nor provide false data instead be critical and open-hearted. Lot to pay thanks to my teachers; they produced in me the zeal to write better. Due to their timely and again guidance, my phrases got much better than they used to be in the past. In fact my expressions went improving with the continuous attention of my teachers. The same is evident in my academic writings where my errors lessened with every next assignment. I was able to produce in me the capability to shape my ideas and views into an excellent learning piece. I could not imagine I would ever be able to exploit beautiful sentences in support of my view. Earlier I

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