Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Community Corrections Research Paper

Contemporary Issues in Community Corrections - Research Paper Example This means that the main objective of corrections should just not to operate secure, orderly, protected and affordable prisons, but also to enhance public safety by ensuring that is an efficient inmate transition (Parent, & Barnett, 2002). Research conducted over the years has shown that prisons and community corrections are intricately linked to a point where a change in one affects the other. In nearly all the cases, arrests lead to jail time, convictions lead to initial trial, and depending on the severity of the crime, the offender is released to the community and if the community correction fails, the offender goes to prison. In reality, a very small minority comes into contact with criminal justice interventions meaning most of them go through community correction. It is therefore ideal to ensure that the right correctional method is administered to ensure that the community correction does not fail (Parent, & Barnett, 2002). Prison administrators are without doubt instrumental that prisons operate smoothly and in preparing the inmates for safe release. These two goals are related in an empirical manner in that any poor institutional behavior is tied to the higher rates of post-release crimes. Over the years, research has shown that the most effective method of ensuring that prisoners have good conduct is by setting up efficient correctional programs. In this case, for correctional facilities to be secure and safe, prison administrators ought to certify that the correctional platforms that they develop are based on evidence based practice (McGuire, 2005). For prisons, the concentration on short-term operational goals is logical but in most cases this can effortlessly diminish the available economic and human resources. In most cases, such concentration leaves minimal resources for the agencies to fulfill its commitment on the wider objectives of effective corrections as well as public safety.

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