Saturday, February 22, 2020

Israel and Gaza Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Israel and Gaza - Research Proposal Example A Jewish state in the Middle East remains a divisive and controversial subject. In 2008 Jews around the world celebrated the 60 year anniversary of the establishment of the modern Israeli state but while people around the world celebrate its birth, others not only decry the policies of the Israeli government but also challenge the very existence of the state itself. Condemned by its neighbors as an unnatural colonial implant, Israel is frequently subject to international sanction and scrutiny. The status of the Palestinian people, seemingly on the cusp of statehood not long ago, remains increasingly complex and forever unresolved. The Palestinian community has also recently been fractured by the Fatah/Hamas split, adding a new and potentially explosive dynamic to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Despite decades of attempts at resolving this conflict, we are at an impasse and without a resolution in sight. What explains the persistence of conflict for more than a century? What role has Arab intransigence regarding a two-state solution – a persistent feature of the conflict since the days of the British Mandate in Palestine – played in the continuation of a conflict which seemingly could have been resolved years ago? Seeking to explore Arab intransigence and their continued rejection of a two-state solution to the conflict, this essay will chart and discuss Arab rejection of any solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The following will explore Arab intransigence chronologically and will argue that a legacy of unwavering rejection by the majority of the Arab countries in Middle East has been the major impediment to a resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains one of the most enduring and complex disputes of modern times. Although many believe that current fighting began with the creation of the state

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