Sunday, November 3, 2019

Internet Based Research & Analysis on Business Article Paper

Internet Based & Analysis on Business Article - Research Paper Example How I asked myself can such an established brand with such established resources and consistent revenues fail? Numerous reasons were stated however one of these was ineffective planning for Wal-Mart’s launch into an international market. The element of failure in the operations conducted by corporations is what led me towards the selection of this article. (Intelligent Growth: Why Failure Breeds Winners by Corporate Executive board, December 7, 2010). The perspective that the Corporate Executive board depicts is one that endorses the concept of Intelligent Growth, which is a basic concentration on simultaneous sales growth as well as profit margin expansion. The writers take on breeding success out of failure is merely his depiction of the fact that through Intelligent Growth Planning, that is planning not only for success but also for failure, organizations can minimize the cost of any foreseeable failure a venture undertakes. Intelligent Growth Planning might sound straightforward and simple in its theoretical application with its incorporation of sales growth, the increase in sales over a period of time, and margin expansion, an increase in the margin of profit a company is generating. However the author brings to our attention that ‘Less than 10% of companies have managed this balancing act over the past 13 years,’ and how we may ask have they achieved this? Yes that’s right their senior managers spend as much time thinking about failure as victory – efficient planning and strategizing. ‘If you fail to plan you plan to fail’ is a well known quotation that can sum up and endorse what the author is trying to highlight here. A 2009 experiment carried out by the Corporate Executive Boards Finance and Strategy Practice sanctions this statement with the findings it produced. Using 1500 of the world’s largest corporations and judging their performance on cases of EBITDA margin, a

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